This legal notice establishes the conditions of use of the website hereinafter web, which Bahía Software S.L.U. (hereinafter, the company), with registered office at Rúa das Hedras 4, Local 1, Ames, 15895, A Coruña and e-mail address, CIF number B-15682594, registered in the Commercial Registry of A Coruña, Volume 2179, Folio 168, Inscription 1ª, of Page nº C-20877, makes available to Internet users. Translated with (free version)

Access to the website attributes the condition of User and implies full and unreserved acceptance by the User of each and every one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice.

All intellectual property rights of the web domain and its contents belong either to the company or to third parties, so that no user is authorized to make use of them, print them or store them under any physical support in any case other than for personal and private use. The modification, decompilation or commercial use of any part of it is therefore prohibited.

The use of the contents of the web domain is only authorized for informative and service purposes, provided that the source is cited or referred to, and the User is solely responsible for the misuse of the same.

To access the information contained in the website and make use of the services offered, minors must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

The data, texts, information, graphics or links published on the website are compiled for information purposes only for all those interested in them, without their access generating a commercial, contractual or professional relationship between the users and the company. In case of discrepancy between the information contained on the website and that contained on paper, the latter shall apply. The company reserves the right to modify the contents of the web domain without prior notice.

The links and hypertext that, if any, allow access through the website to features and services offered by third parties, do not belong to and are not under the control of the company, so it is not responsible for the information contained therein or any effects that might result from such information.

The User is strictly forbidden to introduce any type of virus in the web domain, as well as to try to access the data of the same, to modify them, to access the mail accounts, messages, etc.

The company doesn’t guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of the data, programs, information or opinions, whatever the origin, circulating through its network or through the networks to which the User can access through the web. The Customer expressly agrees to hold the company harmless from any liability related to the website. The User assumes sole responsibility for any consequences, damages or actions that may arise from access to such content as well as its reproduction or dissemination.

The Company shall not be liable for any infringement by any User of the rights of another User of the Site, or third parties, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, confidential information and any other intellectual or industrial property rights.

The company will make use of civil or criminal actions that by law correspond to any improper use of its web domain. Any disputes that may arise in relation to this domain shall be governed solely by Spanish law, and shall be submitted to the competent Courts and Tribunals in the province of A Coruña.